11.1 This section further elaborates the requirements of EM&A for the construction and operation of the Project, based on the assessment results of various issues. The following sections summarize the recommended EM&A requirements. Details of the EM&A programme are presented in a stand-alone EM&A Manual released separately.
11.2 Construction noise impacts from this Project would be expected at NSRs identified in this EIA. Appropriate mitigation measures would be required in order to alleviate the impacts to meet the EIAO-TM criteria. Noise monitoring during construction phase have to be carried out to ensure that such mitigation measures would be implemented properly.
11.3 The construction activities will be carried out during daytime (between 0700 and 1900 hours). If there is construction work undertaken in restricted hours, measurements will be carried out for the following periods:
· Between 1900 and 2300 hours;
· Between 2300 and 0700 hours of next day; and
· Between 0700 and 1900 hours on Sunday or public holidays
11.4 Noise monitoring shall be carried out at all the designated monitoring stations, and measurement shall be undertaken at a minimum logging interval of 30 minutes (as six consecutive LAeq, 5 min readings) for daytime and 15 minutes (as three consecutive LAeq, 5min readings) for evening time and night time. The Leq, L10 and L90 shall be recorded at the specified interval . Type 1 sound level meters, which comply with the International Electrochemical Commission (Publications 651:1979 and 804:1985), must be used for carrying out the noise measurement.
11.5 Ad hoc noise monitoring shall also be carried out if necessary. Prior to the commencement of the Project, the baseline monitoring shall be measured for a continuous period of at least 14 consecutive days at a minimum logging interval of 30 minutes (as six consecutive LAeq, 5 min readings) for daytime and 15 minutes (as three consecutive LAeq, 5min readings) for evening time and night time. The Leq, L10 and L90 shall be recorded at the specified interval. Details of EM&A programme are provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.
11.6 With the implementation of the dust suppression measures stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation and good site practices, potential construction dust impact would comply with the HKAQO. Dust monitoring requirements are recommended in the EM&A Manual to ensure the efficacy of the control measures. Details of the EM&A programme are provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.
11.7 Environmental monitoring and auditing (EM&A) of marine water quality is recommended during the dredging and filling works. An EM&A programme including pre- and post-dredging/filling monitoring for marine water quality would be required to ensure that the dredging and filling activities do not result in unacceptable impacts. No monitoring of marine water quality would be required during land-based construction activities on the reclaimed land. It is recommended, however, that audit of the land-based construction activities be carried out to confirm the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures for construction runoff and drainage and general construction activities. Details of the EM&A procedures are presented in a separate EM&A Manual.
11.8 Waste management would be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all wastes produced during the construction of the Project are handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with good waste management practices and EPD’s regulations and requirements. The recommended mitigation measures should form the basis of the site Waste Management Plan to be developed by the Contractor in the construction stage.
11.9 As presented in Section 7, the major habitat types within the Assessment Area comprised grass/low shrub mosaic, tall shrubland, secondary woodland, brackish wetland, wasteland, plantation and backshore vegetation. Direct impacts to terrestrial habitats and species resulting from the Project would be limited to the loss of very small areas of very low-low value habitats. Limited indirect impacts to wildlife resulting from construction and operation phase disturbance have been predicted. Terrestrial ecological impacts associated with the Project would therefore be extremely limited and minor. Nevertheless, certain mitigation measures should be implemented to ensure potential adverse impacts are avoided, minimised and/or compensated for.
11.10 Aside from regular audit to ensure the effective implementation of good site practice, no specific terrestrial ecology EM&A programme would be required.
11.11 The dredging operations include constraints which act as appropriate mitigation measures to control environmental impacts to within acceptable levels. Mitigation measures to minimize impacts to dolphins due to marine traffic will also be implemented. Actual impacts of construction activities will be measured through impacts to water quality. EM&A activities designed to detect and mitigate any unacceptable impacts to water quality will also serve to protect against unacceptable impacts to marine ecological resources. The water quality monitoring programme will provide management actions and supplemental mitigation measures to be employed should impacts arise, thereby ensuring the environmental acceptability of the Project. No specific EM&A programme would be required for marine ecology.
11.12 Environmental monitoring and audit program designed for protection against unacceptable water quality impacts will also serve to protect against unacceptable impacts to fisheries. Environmental monitoring and audit to assess the impacts of the Project on commercial fisheries resources is not deemed necessary.
11.13 An assessment of the impact on cultural heritage associated with the construction and operation of the Project was conducted. No insurmountable impacts was identified, hence EM&A is not required.
11.14 Prior to commencement of construction, checks should be carried out to ensure that programme of implementation and all design input proposed for both hard and soft landscape mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design and tender package. This would include tree survey report, tree felling application and roadside planting, etc. The requirements to preserve the existing trees will be clearly specified as contractual obligations for the contractor.
11.15 During construction phase, monitoring by the Environmental Team (ET) and Independent Environmental Checker (IC(E)) should be carried out to ensure the implementation of all landscape and visual mitigation measures and to ensure the organization of works programme allows advance planting of screen and roadside planting.
11.16 Before operation of the project, audit by the ET and IC(E) should be carried out to ensure all proposed mitigation measures have been completed, in accordance with the works programme. Details of the EM&A procedures are presented in a separate EM&A Manual.